Dermal Filler Information


In general, good candidates for dermal fillers:

  • Are committed to maintaining good skin health

  • Seek to plump lips, enhance shallow contours, soften facial creases or wrinkles, etc.

  • Are healthy and do not have medical conditions that impair healing

  • Are nonsmokers

  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations


Consultations with your doctor will determine if this is the right treatment for your goals or if additional services would result in best results.


Recovery time varies for each patient and type of filler injected. You may resume most activities right away, but we generally recommend that you avoid intense physical activity for the first 24 to 48 hours to minimize swelling and bruising.

Although infrequent, the risks and complications of dermal fillers include:

  • Asymmetry (unevenness between two sides)

  • Lumps

  • Skin rash or irritation

  • Blindness

  • Skin necrosis (loss of skin)

  • Incomplete or short duration of effect

Unlikely Complications